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PAR Submission Process: Product Proposals

Purpose and Rationale for the Test

  1. What does the test measure?
  2. What are the concepts or theories underlying the development of this test?
  3. What demonstrated need does this test serve?

Description of the Test

  1. What is the structure of the instrument: How many subtests? What does each subtest measure? How many items does the test contain? What types of scores are generated?
  2. What is the format of the test: Group or individual administration? Multiple-choice, open-ended, or other types of items?
  3. What are the required response modes of the test: Oral, paper-and-pencil, pointing to the correct answer, motoric, computerized, etc.?
  4. What is the total estimated time required for administration?
  5. What is the proposed scoring procedure? How long will it take to score the test?
  6. Describe the proposed normative standard and procedures. How long will it take for the user to obtain normative scores?


What reusable components will be required for administering, scoring, and interpreting the test (e.g., test manuals, scoring keys, test plates, booklets, manipulatives)? Describe your vision of the test in terms of page size, number of pages, colors of ink, special forms (e.g., multi-forms, self-carboning, ScanDocs), use of graphic images, photographs, line drawings, other illustrations, etc.

Primary Markets

  1. What is the target population for the test (i.e., demographic characteristics such as age, gender, etc.)?
  2. Who are the potential purchasers and users of this test? What professional disciplines are served by this test?
  3. Which settings would be appropriate for use of this test (e.g., schools, private clinics, hospitals, private practice)?

Market Competition and Special Features of the Test

What other tests are currently available that serve a similar function? If other similar tests are available, what features would set this test apart from its competitors? Why would an examiner want to use this test instead of other, similar tests?

Empirical Research

Note: If these studies are yet to be done, provide methodological details of planned studies (i.e., sample size, sampling strategies, sources for the data, statistics to be used, time frame for completion, etc.).

  1. Describe how the test items were/will be developed (e.g., item writing, bias panel review, item tryout, and revision of the item pool).
  2. Describe the reliability of the test (e.g., internal consistency, alternate forms reliability, interrater reliability, and test-retest reliability/temporal stability) or describe how the reliability will be examined.
  3. Describe the validity of the test (e.g., content, construct, and criterion-related validity) or how the validity will be established.
  4. Describe the normative comparison groups and the procedures used (or the procedures that will be used) to collect these data.
  5. Describe future/other research and development work that should be completed prior to publication of the test. Discuss anticipated completion date, funding needs, and research responsibilities. Describe your idea of the role PAR could play in the remaining research and development.